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Sharp Pens' online members group allows students and parents to stay up to date on local events and access helpful, writing resources.



For the safety of our students, Sharp Pens membership is restricted to current students, their parents and Sharp Pens staff. Membership allows individuals to access exclusive lesson content and details about upcoming events. 



By Invitation - After a student attends a Sharp Pens event, they should receive an email invitation to join our member group within the next 1-2 weeks. If for some reason they do not receive an invitation, they are welcome to email a request to the Sharp Pens staff.

By Request - If a parent would like to join the membership group, they must email the Sharp Pens staff. The email should include the name of the parent and their email address as well as the name of their student. They should receive a response within 1-2 weeks.

If you are NOT a current student or parent of a current student, we cannot give you a Sharp Pens membership. We work very hard to ensure our students' safety and therefore cannot accept members we do not know. You are still welcome to subscribe to our newsletter, Facebook or Google+ pages in order to stay up-to-date.

Expiration - Every year we will go through our members and remove students (and the parents of students) who have not attended a Sharp Pens event within the last year and a half. 

NOTE: Sharp Pens and its staff reserve the right to deny or revoke membership to anyone for any reason without explanation. 

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